2010. augusztus 12., csütörtök

2nd newsletter of the Lados family

So what has happened with us since March?
Ministry: Before Easter, at the and of March we moved to Salgotarjan to fulfill the ministry that the Lord and the brothers have called us to do. In the last two months a lot has happened in the churches.
It was very nice to encourage the brothers and sisters through preaching and personally as well on the Easter holiday services. My weekly service schedule has also been arranged.
Tuesdays at 4 o'clock pm we have a Bile study in Nogradmegyer. Wednesdays at 5 o'1clock pm we have a home Bible study for the whole church at an old couple's home. At 6 o'clock pm Thursday we go to Matraszőlős to have a Bible study with the brothers. On Friday we go to Lucfalva to have a Bible study there as well.
On these occasions we go through the Lord's prayer verse by verse. At Lucfalva and Matraszőlős one our before the service starts we have a special appointment for those who are not the members of the church yet but are interested in the Bible, in the faith. Since I want to know the families as much as possible, before every service we go and visit one family.
The youth gathering is on Saturdays, it starts at 5 o'clock pm and it's held either in Lucfalva or at Matraszőlős, but it has happened once, that we had the youth meeting in our apartment in Salgotarjan.
On the 8th of May we went to Egerszólát to a youth conference. There is one hard thing thou about the youth group. The former youth pastor had to leave the country to find work abroad, to be able to take care of his family. Since he has gone my responsibilities have been broadened because I not only help out, but lead the youth group.
On Sundays I peach in Salgotarjan and Nogradmegyer, the other week I preach in the other two churches, Lucfalva and Matraszőlős.
It was very nice to learn that the brothers and sisters like to spend time together, establish and keep up relationships. These kind of meeting was the day after Pentecost (Monday). We were together out in the nature, we played football, volleyball, wellington; talked, singed together and we were encouraged by Psalm126 for joy and unity.
On Monday I have the day off, and I spend it with my family.
Family: In most cases Aniko and little Benjamin also come with me to the services. In the last two months we have managed to make or 9th floor apartment a little more comfortable and nicer. We were a little bit scared because Beny had to go to the hospital for 3 days because of some kind of virus, that made him breath very hard and his ears were also acking. Aniko had to go with him as well. Thank God he is OK now.
Special Thanks: In the last couple of weeks we had to go to Székesfehérvár a couple of times to get us our driving licenses. These trips have tested us financially and physically as well. Thanks to the Foris and Buza family we always had a place to stay. Aniko passed the exam for the first time, I passed only on may second try, but finally we both have our so much wanted licenses.
To be able to fulfill our ministry here we also needed a car, that we have been able to buy because our Lord led some English brothers, that we don't know personally, to support us financially.
We also got helps from the church of Wesselenyi street, Budapest, and from the church at Cinkota and we thank all the Hungarian brothers as well, everybody who supported us in our car purchase. Our car is a 6 and a half year old Suzuki Swift...a great help to our ministry.
We are thankfull to our Lord for all of those people who supported us either in prayer or financially.
I'm especially thankful for those who where whit us in prayer, because just like Moses had Aron and Hur, we also need brothers to hold our hands, with their prayers.
With brotherly love: the Lados family.

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